Sunday, January 27, 2013

{Fashionista} Rewind Upcycled Bag Tutorial

Okay! Here we go! I'm soooo excited to share {Fashionista} Rewind's 1st tutorial! Woot! Woot! I hope y'all will forgive the fact that I started on this bag awhile ago and just could not find inspiration or vision to see what it would become. 

Materials needed:

  • 1 thrift store bag (The one I found was a Candies bag)
  • Blingy acryclic beads
  • turquoise craft paint
  • Gesso
  • Krylon Spray Clear Coat
  • Mod Podge

This is basically what I started with. The bag felt blah so I used Mod Podge to add the bling. Even then I struggled with the design. Finally, this morning, I took it back out again and it came to me. It needed color! 

Since the straps were bucked on, I easily removed them. Next, I painted the straps (both sides) with Gesso to prepare the surface for the paint.

After allowing dry time I simply used turquoise craft paint and a foam brush to paint them. I ended up putting about 3 coats. After waiting for the paint to dry, I used Krylon spray glossy clear coat to protect the paint.

Then it was simply a matter of attaching the straps back on the bag. Boom! Color pop! 

 And there it is! I'm loving the quirkiness of it! If you are too, you can check it out at my Etsy store- {Fashionista} Rewind Candies Bag.

Watch for my next tutorial coming soon! It will be for this way fun LP zebra tray.

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